2017-11-15 17:06:00
授课名称:Computational Reactor Physics: A Perfect Niche Connects Math and Physics?
授课人:吴泽云 教授
地点: 6A209
吴泽云博士是弗吉尼亚联邦大学(VCU)机械与核工程系的助理教授,也是弗吉尼亚联邦大学计算应用反应堆物理实验室(Computation Applied Reactor Physics Laboratory, CARPL)的主要研究员。在进入VCU之前,吴博士是美国国家标准与技术研究院(National Institute of Standards and Technology,NIST)负责替代研究堆设计项目的首席核工程师。吴博士在核工程领域中首先在清华大学获得学士学位,之后在美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学取得硕、博士学位。吴博士也分别在普渡大学和北卡罗来纳州立大学接受过博士后培训。他的研究领域包括反应堆物理学,反应堆设计和分析,中子输运计算方法以及核应用的不确定性和灵敏度分析等。
Reactor physics is a niched area in nuclear engineering that predominantly dealing with the neutron physics (i.e. neutronics) aspects of a reactor and its associated components. The principal task in reactor physics is to predict detailed but macro-level neutron behavior in a reactor during both normal operation and abnormal events. Nowadays, these missions are mainly accomplished via numerical modeling and simulation techniques, relying heavily on computer equipment and computational methodologies. Compared to other research areas such as thermal hydraulics and materials science, reactor physics remains as a fundamental, yet intangible, and relatively matured realm in the nuclear engineering discipline; years of accumulated understanding in physics and advancements in mathematics have achieved enormous success in solving many reactor physics problems. However, there are still many interesting problems emerged along with the next generation advance reactor research and development.
This talk will give an overview of the computational methodologies involved in nuclear reactor analysis, with a particular emphasis on the advantages of hybrid deterministic-Monte Carlo approaches in reactor applications. The talk will be wrapped up with a summary of challenging but promising research topics in computational reactor physics.
授课名称:Computational Reactor Physics: A Perfect Niche Connects Math and Physics?
授课人:吴泽云 教授
地点: 6A209
吴泽云博士是弗吉尼亚联邦大学(VCU)机械与核工程系的助理教授,也是弗吉尼亚联邦大学计算应用反应堆物理实验室(Computation Applied Reactor Physics Laboratory, CARPL)的主要研究员。在进入VCU之前,吴博士是美国国家标准与技术研究院(National Institute of Standards and Technology,NIST)负责替代研究堆设计项目的首席核工程师。吴博士在核工程领域中首先在清华大学获得学士学位,之后在美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学取得硕、博士学位。吴博士也分别在普渡大学和北卡罗来纳州立大学接受过博士后培训。他的研究领域包括反应堆物理学,反应堆设计和分析,中子输运计算方法以及核应用的不确定性和灵敏度分析等。
Reactor physics is a niched area in nuclear engineering that predominantly dealing with the neutron physics (i.e. neutronics) aspects of a reactor and its associated components. The principal task in reactor physics is to predict detailed but macro-level neutron behavior in a reactor during both normal operation and abnormal events. Nowadays, these missions are mainly accomplished via numerical modeling and simulation techniques, relying heavily on computer equipment and computational methodologies. Compared to other research areas such as thermal hydraulics and materials science, reactor physics remains as a fundamental, yet intangible, and relatively matured realm in the nuclear engineering discipline; years of accumulated understanding in physics and advancements in mathematics have achieved enormous success in solving many reactor physics problems. However, there are still many interesting problems emerged along with the next generation advance reactor research and development.
This talk will give an overview of the computational methodologies involved in nuclear reactor analysis, with a particular emphasis on the advantages of hybrid deterministic-Monte Carlo approaches in reactor applications. The talk will be wrapped up with a summary of challenging but promising research topics in computational reactor physics.